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Health Insurance Write for Us

Health Insurance Write For Us

Health Insurance Write For Us – The diagnostic tests of private medical insurance make up an essential aspect of the offer of the policies since they are the different procedures or tests that the health coverage includes to know the existence or not of a disease.

This article will investigate what they consist of, their advantages, and other essential details you should know.

What are diagnostic tests?

These are the different tests and procedures designed to discover the existence or not of a disease, disorder, or pathology, as well as its degree of intensity or level of advance or regression.

Both routine and urgent tests help to verify if our health is adequate or how a particular disease is evolving, putting the medical services and ourselves on track with the following steps to take to deal with it.

Diagnostic tests can detect diseases and other ailments in the patient; verify the effectiveness of a medical treatment or a surgical intervention performed; put the doctors on the track of the road map to follow with a particular patient; or give them peace of mind of knowing that we have overcome an illness or injury. They are, therefore, essential to carry out a complete diagnosis and care of our health, and consequently, an important part not only of public health but also of the offer of private medical insurance.

Types of diagnostic tests

There are hundreds of kinds of diagnostic tests. Many types that, in turn, include dozens of procedures within each specialty:

  • Pathology and cytology tests
  • cardiology
  • clinical analysis
  • Nuclear medicine
  • Imaging diagnostic techniques
  • Endoscopies
  • clinical neurophysiology
  • Studies through otoemissions
  • gynecological tests
  • ophthalmological tests

And a long etcetera.

Advantages of the diagnostic tests of private insurance

Private health offers significant client advantages in many aspects. Not only because it provides additional coverage that the public does not usually allow, such as the possibility of a second medical opinion, but also concerning carrying out diagnostic tests.

The private system expands the offer of these and minimizes the patient’s waiting process. On the rebound, it also helps to decongest the saturated public system, favoring speeding up the famous waiting lists. So, private insurance has two significant advantages: variety and speed.

What about deficiencies and pre-existing

Of course, when we refer to a health policy, two essential concepts must always be taken into account, such as grace periods and pre-existing conditions. The first is the periods established by insurers from the date the policy is contracted by their client, a brief period during which a specific service (in this case, a diagnostic test ) cannot be used to avoid making an abusive or interested use of the policy.

The second are the pathologies, injuries, or previous sequelae that someone has before contracting health insurance and that the insurance company must be aware of when accepting the signing of the contract or including changes in its preparation. This would include medical tests that or are not allowed to be performed as part of the policy coverage.

tests with authorization

Private health insurance includes numerous diagnostic tests in its coverage, but it can be challenging to have them. For example, there are costly tests that are not part of the usual health insurance guarantees. Or can only be done after authorization from the insurance company.

Therefore, the client must contact their insurer and the company to study their case to accept the test schedule.

What tests are offered by health insurance, and in what modalities?


In the modalities of health insurance for medical staff without hospitalization or with copayment, the premiums to be paid are usually very cheap. However, later, an extra amount must be paid for using health care services, as we highlighted in our article on copayments.

However, as far as diagnostic tests are concerned, these tend to be low in many of them (x-rays, radiology, ultrasound, cardiological or ophthalmological check-ups, clinical analysis, electrocardiograms). They involve a somewhat higher outlay in the case of other complex and expensive diagnostic tests such as magnetic resonance imaging, colonoscopies, endoscopies, scanners, computerized axial tomography, or color echo-dopplers.

Medical table

The premiums in the modalities of a medical chart without copayments have a higher cost than in the previous ones, but these products usually include among their coverage numerous tests -general,  by the least expensive ones that we mentioned in the last section-; the most expensive, on the other hand, may not be included in the policy or require authorization from the insurance company.


The usual thing, in this case, is a mixed insurance bet, with which the diagnostic tests included in the insurer’s medical list would correspond to the previous section.

About those excluded, we should pay the cost of the test when visiting the corresponding medical center, and later the insurance company would return a high percentage of that amount.

It should also noted that other factors influence the final price to pay for our health insurance, such as age, work, or the personal health circumstances of each one.

Main diagnostic tests

Health insurance includes an extensive range of diagnostic tests. However, many of them are not part of the primary insurance, and to have access to them, we must get extended coverage or pay for them as a separate service thanks to co-payments.

Here are some of the main diagnostic tests that can covered by competitive health insurance:

  • Test Pathological anatomy and cytology.
  • Cardiology: coronographies; echocardiograms; electrocardiographs; catheterizations; stress tests.
  • Clinical analysis: biochemical tests; enzymatic and radioimmunoassays; blood, urine, feces, and saliva tests; seminograms.
  • Nuclear medicine: positron emission tomography (PET) scans; nuclear studies with scintigraphy of the liver and bile ducts, thyroid, bone, lung, and brain.
  • Diagnostic imaging techniques: ultrasounds; mammograms; radiology; echo-dopplers; bone densitometry; MRIs; organ punctures and aspirations; and computerized axial tomography.
  • Endoscopies: bronchoscopy; digestive endoscopies; cystoscopies; cystometries; urodynamics.
  • Clinical neurophysiology: electroencephalography; electromyography; evoked potentials; polysomnographies;
  • Studies through otoemissions.
  • Gynecological tests: amniocentesis; papanicolaus (vaginal cytology); hysterosalpingograms.
  • Ophthalmological tests: fundoscopies; visual acuities; tonometries; perimetry; retinal angiograms; optical coherence tomography.

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